Incheon National University College of Humanities holds a special lecture on humanities sharing knowledge in the community
- 글번호
- 374144
- 작성일
- 2023-10-04
- 수정일
- 2023-10-04
- 작성자
- 홍보팀 (032-835-9490)
- 조회수
- 1858
Our university's humanities college (chief Lee Kun-sang) will hold a special lecture on humanities for citizens, students, and faculty members.
According to our university, the special lecture will be held online every Thursday (15:00-17:00) from September 21 to October 26 in collaboration with the Sunrise Library in Yeonsu-gu for a total of five times. The special lecture is "Talking about literature, growth.Under the theme of 」, we would like to provide an opportunity to examine the changes in "growth narratives" in literary works in the East and the West from various angles to explore how human "growth" has been understood according to the times and society, and especially what new meaning growth, a modern concept, has in the modern context.
This special lecture will be held on △ 9/21 (Thu) Johan Wolfgang von Goethe - 『Wilhelm Meister's School Age』(Seo Song-seok, Seoul Women's University), △ 10/05 (Thu) Marcel Panol - 『Marcel's Summer』(Yoon Seokheon, translator), △ 10/12 (Thu) Hermann Hesse - 『Damien』(Lee In-eun, Incheon National University), △ 10/19 (Thu) Eun Hee-kyung - 『a bird's gift』(Kim Eunha, Kyung Hee University) △ 10/26 (Thu) Kazuo Ishiguro - "Neverlet Migo" (Shinnami, Incheon National University) and others. For more information, visit the Sunrise Library website.
In this regard, our university's College of Humanities said, "Student in a modern society where humanities paradigm is required. It is a high-quality humanities course to expand the base of convergent thinking that meets the humanities needs of citizens, and it will contribute to the formation of creative thinking among residents in the community, he said, asking for the attention and participation of many citizens.
(For more information on each special lecture schedule: please refer to the Sunrise Library website (Yeonsu-gu Public Library ( ))