Incheon National University-KEA Future Automobile Company Certification Curriculum Pilot Operation
- 글번호
- 374162
- 작성일
- 2023-10-04
- 수정일
- 2023-10-04
- 작성자
- 홍보팀 (032-835-9490)
- 조회수
- 1976
Our University's Future Automobile Convergence Innovation Center and the Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Industry Promotion Association (KEA) announced that it piloted the "Eco-friendly Vehicle Model-based Controller Design Theory and Practice," a corporate certification curriculum, for three days from August 29 to 31 to cultivate future automobile manpower.
This pilot training was conducted as part of the R&D professional training project to develop parts for eco-friendly vehicles (xEV) was attended by graduate students from Dankook University, Hanyang University, Kookmin University, Sungkyunkwan University, and Incheon National University students who are participating in the project.
The education was designed to strengthen graduate students' technical expertise and practical skills through technological changes in the eco-friendly vehicle (xEV) field and intensive curriculum operation that meets field needs. On the first day, TPT-based model-based control training was conducted with MDS Tech, and on the second and third days, professional training of power electronics software PLECS was conducted with Mirim Ciscone.
This curriculum was piloted by MDS Tech, Mirim Ciscone, Dabo Corporation, and Signal System as certified companies, students will be finally selected as those who have completed corporate certification training after taking the training and going through theoretical and practical tests linked to separate NCS job competencies. The final number of people is designed to exempt certified companies from document screening and to allow priority selection when hiring.
Kang Chang-mook, director of the Future Automobile Convergence Innovation Center (Professor of Electrical Engineering) who is in charge of pilot operation training at our university said “Practical S/W training was conducted centering on tools used in the field.” and “It was a pilot curriculum that satisfied both companies and students who wanted to hire as a customized practical training that could be put into the field immediately after graduation.”
Lee Sang-wook, Director of the Mobility Convergence Office of the Electronics and Telecommunications Industry Promotion Association said “As the transition to Software Defined Vehicles (SDVs) in the automotive market accelerates, training is essential to respond to the surging demand for SW personnel for vehicles” and “We will strive to foster S/W professionals by expanding convergence education that meets the characteristics, requirements, and standards of vehicle SW.”